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Stymying the Arakkoa

Kill Ashkaz in Veil Reskk, Ayit in Veil Shienor, and Urdak in Veil Skith and return to Thander at the Allerian Stronghold.
Ashkaz matado
Ayit matado
Urdak matado


We need to show the arakkoa that they cannot attack our people with impunity. If we don't stop them here, the roads will no longer be safe for our merchants, couriers, or soldiers.

My scouts have identified the leaders of each of the major arakkoa settlements in the area. Seek out Ashkaz, Ayit, and Urdak, in Veil Reskk, Veil Shienor, and Veil Skith and kill them.




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Super Mana Potion Super Healing Potion
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Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 10.750 experiencia

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