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Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor

Slay Zorbo the Advisor, 5 Warmaul Shaman and 5 Warmaul Reavers. Return to Warden Bullrok if you manage to complete this task.
Zorbo le Conseiller tué
Chaman cogneguerre tué (5)
Saccageur cogneguerre tué (5)


Wanted: Dead or Alive

Zorbo the Advisor, wanted for numerous planned attacks on Garadar. Along with his reavers and shaman, Zorbo has slain countless orcs. Consider Zorbo as armed, dangerous, and merciless.

Zorbo makes his home in the Laughing Skull Ruins in the northern mountains of Nagrand.

Reward for Zorbo the Advisor's death or capture to be dispensed by Warden Bullrok at Garadar.




Vous recevrez : 7


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 11 300 points d'expérience
  • 500 points de réputation avec Mag'har
Cette quête sera converti en Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor si vous transférez en Alliance.

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