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A Head Full of Ivory

Collect 3 Pair of Ivory Tusks and return them to Shadrek at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.
Pair of Ivory Tusks (3)


Ivory is a much sought after prize. I have many customers lined up in far off places to purchase it.

I could be convinced to let you in on a cut of the profits.

The wild elekk roaming Nagrand have the high quality of tusks that I'm after. Steer clear of the bull elekk; their ivory isn't in the condition that I desire.

Oh and don't worry, it's not poaching; I have an understanding with both the orcs and the draenei.

Do you and I have an understanding?




Vous recevrez : 3 50


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 11 300 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Le Consortium

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