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The Throne of the Elements

Elementalist Yal'hah wants you to travel to the Throne of the Elements and speak with Elementalist Sharvak.


Greetings, <race>. I am Yal'hah, elementalist of the Earthen Ring. I have come to Garadar to inform the Mag'har of the state of the elements.

Could I ask a favor of you? Would you travel to the Throne of the Elements in the northern hills of Nagrand, beyond Skysong Lake, and tell elementalist Sharvak that I have arrived at Garadar safely? She will surely reward you for this small deed.



Vous recevrez : 3 50


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 2 850 points d'expérience
  • 50 points de réputation avec Mag'har
Cette quête sera converti en The Throne of the Elements si vous transférez en Alliance.

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