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Deep Ocean, Vast Sea

Recover the Silver Dawning's Lockbox and the Mist Veil's Lockbox for Gorbold Steelhand in Auberdine. Both items should be found aboard the wreckage of the ships to the north of the village.
Silver Dawning's Lockbox
Mist Veil's Lockbox


Off the coast of Darkshore to our north are two wrecked ships - the Silver Dawning and the Mist Veil. Some time ago, both ships ran afoul of the blasted murlocs as they sailed across the vast sea into Auberdine. They now lie at the bottom of the ocean as trophies for those fiends.

Both captains didn't make it out that night, and their logs and other effects are still below in lockboxes. I'd like for you to recover them for us; it would mean a lot to the crew members still around these parts.




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