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The Warlord's Hideout

Watcher Jhang wants you to find and slay Warlord Kalithresh inside Coilfang Reservoir.
Señor de la guerra Kalithresh matado


There are benefits to hiding very, very quietly at the entrance of your enemy's hideout.

Just hours ago I saw a group of naga go through the stone archway on the second tunnel from the left. I'm not well versed in their language, yet I clearly understood one word: Kalithresh.

That must be the entrance to the steam vaults, where Warlord Kalithresh has been commanding his troops from. You must find him and stop him. I am too weak to be of any assistance.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Myrmidon's Headdress Earthwarden's Coif
Helm of the Claw Hydromancer's Headwrap
También recibirás: 13 20  (o 15 18 si se completa al nivel 80)


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