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Critters of the Void

Kill 12 Void Critters and report to Vindicator Aesom at Blood Watch.
Alimaña del vacío matado (12)


Aesom sent my squad out on a reconnaissance mission to search for the sun gate a few days ago. Needless to say, we found it...

<Loryi points at Jorli.>

Whatever those fool elves are transporting through that portal is causing void energy to be released. The area is teaming with void critters.

We must destroy them before they have a chance to grow into void anomalies. You'll find the source of the creatures southwest of here, near the sun gate. Kill them and report back to Aesom when you're done.




Recibirás: 6 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 1.000 experiencia
  • 150 reputación con El Exodar

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