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Fhwoor Smash!

Escort Fhwoor into the area of the Marshlight steam pump to retrieve the Ark of Ssslith. Bring Fhwoor and the ark back safely and then report back to Gzhun'tt at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.


Ark of Ssslith safely returned to Sporeggar


Jugadores sugeridos: 3


Little naga make Fhwoor angry! Sporelings good friend to Fhwoor, so Fhwoor get naga ark.

We go into nearby naga village. You help? Bring friends!




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Sporeggar Smasher Hewing Axe of the Marsh
Sporeling Claw
También recibirás: 84 si se completa al nivel 80


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  • 13.750 experiencia
  • 350 reputación con Esporaggar

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