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Oh, It's On!

Gather an Underspore Frond and return it to T'shu at Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh.
Underspore Frond


While we are a peaceful people, we are at war with the spore giants, whether we like it or not. And there is a saying amongst us that all is fair in mushrooms and war!

One of the leaders of the spore giants, Hungerfen, has been tending a very special plant, known as the Underspore, to perfection for millennia. It would break his spirit if something were to happen to that plant.

Travel to the Underbog in Coilfang Reservoir and steal a frond off of it for us. Trust me, he'll notice.




Vous recevrez : 13 20 si completé au niveau 80
Everlasting Underspore Frond


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 22 000 points d'expérience
  • 1050 points de réputation avec Sporeggar

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