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The Missing Expedition

Kill 8 Myst Spinners, 8 Myst Leechers and their leader, Zarakh. Return to Achelus at Blood Watch when the task is complete.
Buveuse de sang de Brume tué (8)
Tisseuse de Brume tué (8)
Zarakh tué


About a week ago, my research team and I were out exploring the western wilds of Bloodmyst when we were attacked by bloodthirsty spiders. The effect of the crystal contamination was clearly evident as these spiders were massive and extremely aggressive.

I managed to escape but my team wasn't so lucky. We must not let the same fate befall others. Go west to the Amberweb Pass and destroy the spiders and their matriarch, Zarakh.




Vous recevrez : 30


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 1 450 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Exodar

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