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Alien Predators

Kill 10 Bloodmyst Hatchlings then return to Vorkhan the Elekk Herder at Kessel's Crossing on Bloodmyst Isle.
Prole Bruma de Sangre matado (10)


One thing we've learned in our travels is that extreme care must be taken when introducing wildlife from one world to another. When the Exodar crashed, it was carrying specimens of various Outland species, including an insectoid predator called the ravager.

Some of the specimens were lost, but many others survived and took to the wild. If we don't keep them in check, they will upset the natural balance here on the islands.

You'll find these ravagers to the west of Kessel's Crossing, near the coast.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Old Elekk Prod 2 Stone Sledgehammer
Elekk Handler's Blade Surplus Bastard Sword
También recibirás: 4  (o 5 40 si se completa al nivel 80)


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 880 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con El Exodar

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