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For Love Eternal

Free the spirit of Anaya Dawnrunner and bring her pendant back to Cerellean Whiteclaw in Auberdine.
Anaya's Pendant


In the aftermath of the battles at the Well of Eternity, I heard that Ameth'Aran had been destroyed, its people dead, including my love, Anaya.

I would never have thought, thousands of years later, that memories of Anaya would still haunt my dreams. Wandering the woods of Darkshore in a stupor, I found myself in the ruins of Ameth'Aran... where I saw the haunted spirit of my beloved.

She must be freed, but I lack the heart to do it. Her spirit must be destroyed.




Recibirás: 5 40 si se completa al nivel 80
Tear of Grief


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 880 experiencia
  • 150 reputación con Darnassus

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