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A Cry For Help

Escort Magwin through the island to her home.


Magwin Escorted to Safety


Joueurs suggérés : 2


My family was attacked by the murlocs and owlkin of this island several weeks ago. I managed to escape but I think that both my mother and father have been slain. I don't know what I'm going to do now, but I must try and get back to my home - or what's left of it... Will you help me get through the forest?




Vous recevrez : 5 10 si completé au niveau 80
Cowlen's Bracers of Kinship


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 840 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Darnassus
  • 150 points de réputation avec Exodar

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