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A Shameful Waste

Bring 15 pieces of Warsong Lumber and 5 Satyrnaar Fel Wood to Gnarl at Forest Song.
Warsong Lumber (15)
Satyrnaar Fel Wood (5)


Welcome to Forest Song, <clase>. Where you see tents, there will one day be buildings, but such ambitions require a steady stream of building materials. I cannot bring myself to order our workers to fell any of the ancient trees of this grove, but our neighbors to the south and west have no such reverence for the forest.

We shall relieve the Warsong loggers of their excess, and reclaim some of the tainted wood from the satyr stronghold to the west. Bring the wood to Gnarl, who will purify it for our use.




Recibirás: 13 80 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 2.300 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con Darnassus

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