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A Gesture of Goodwill

Ambassador Rualeth at Aerie Peak wants you to slay Witch Doctor Mai'jin and his pet spider Tcha'kaz.
Féticheur Mai'jin tué
Tcha'kaz tué


The rugged terrain of the Hinterlands is not only home to the Wildhammer dwarves and their gryphons, but also to a number of forest troll tribes.

The trolls view the Wildhammers as squatters on their ancestral lands and spare no opportunity to accost the dwarves by attacking the gryphon aeries. One way to prove ourselves in the eyes of the Wildhammer is to help staunch these attacks by killing a Witherbark leader, Witch Doctor Mai'jin, who shelters in a cave at Bogen's Ledge, to the west of Shadra'Alor.




Vous recevrez : 65


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 5 790 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Exodar

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