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Red Snapper - Very Tasty!
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Red Snapper - Very Tasty!

Use the Draenei Fishing Net to catch 10 Red Snappers. Return both the fish and the net to Diktynna on Azuremyst Isle when the task is complete.
Red Snapper (10)
Draenei Fishing Net (Fourni)


I've found that these waters are bustling with red snapper, a very tasty fish. With a fishing net, I can catch enough to feed dozens of draenei! Unfortunately, I was recently attacked by a creature known as a murloc while netting in the river and have suffered some injuries that prevent me from doing my job. I need help!

Use this fishing net near schools of red snapper, found in the Crystalbrook river to the east to catch the fish.

What do you say? Remember to return the net when you are finished.




Vous recevrez : 3 30 si completé au niveau 80
Shiny Bauble Fishing Pole


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 540 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Exodar

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