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Twilight of the Dawn Runner

Balandar Brightstar in Brackenwall Village wants you to reclaim the Dawn Runner Cargo and rescue his first mate Ithania from forces of Theramore at North Point Tower.
Dawn Runner Cargo
Rescue Ithania from North Point Tower


The ogres here are useful for little more than crude jokes, sour ale, and bouts of headbutting. When my ship, the Dawn Runner, ran aground, those curs from Theramore made off with my cargo and last surviving crewman. I made my way here searching for help, but those good-for-nothing ogres stared blankly at me when I told them my story.

I could use the help of a reliable <race> in recovering what remains of my cargo and freeing Ithania from North Point Tower, to the northeast, where they're being held.




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Archer's Wristguard Bejeweled Dagger
Gleaming Scale Breastplate
Vous recevrez également : 40


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 3 710 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Lune-d'argent

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