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Flickering Flames in Kalimdor

Visit the bonfires within Ashenvale, the Barrens, Darkshore, and Stonetalon Mountains, then speak with the Festival Flamekeeper.
Llama de Vallefresno
Llama de Los Baldíos
Llama de Costa Oscura
Llama de Sierra Espolón


There are many flames burning throughout the world today, <nombre>. The trickiest fires to tend are those that burn green; they do not stay lit long without supervision. Make certain the emerald fires still burn on Kalimdor for our Flamekeeper, eh?

You will find them near Ratchet in the Barrens, close to the Master's Glaive in Darkshore, in the forest of Ashenvale by the bridge near Silverwing Outpost, and near the road to Windshear Crag along the main road in Stonetalon Mountains.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Toasted Smorc Midsummer Sausage
Fire-toasted Bun Elderberry Pie
También recibirás: 9 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 1.500 experiencia

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