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Ravager Roundup

Slay 10 Captive Ravager Hatchlings and retrieve 12 Ravager Eggs for Mahuram Stouthoof in Thrallmar.
Ravager Egg (12)
Jeune ravageur captif tué (10)


Outland is rife with fascinating creatures. Fascinating -- and extremely dangerous.

The area is rich with predators,which seems strange for such a barren land,but a closer look reveals something of a hierarchy.

The rock flayers seem to have domesticated another predator,the ravager,and breed them as hunting companions and guard animals. I need to know more about how they're training these ravagers. We must shut down and examine their breeding site to the southwest,near the Terokkar Forest.


Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Flintlocke's Piloting Pants Aerodynamic Scaled Vest
Dirigible Crash Helmet
Vous recevrez également : 2  (ou 5 88 si completé au niveau 80)


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