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Spare Parts

Collect 4 Emitter Spare Parts and then return to Technician Zhanaa at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.
Emitter Spare Part (4)


We managed to recover a damaged holographic emitter from the crash. If we repair it, we'll have a chance to find other survivors outside of Ammen Vale.

There were devices from the ship that could be salvaged for spare parts in the area, but the local owlkin carried them off before we could get to them.

<nombre>, you must go south to Nestlewood Thicket and Hills to find the spare parts.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Beaten Chain Leggings Rough Leather Leggings
Hand Sewn Pants
También recibirás: 2 10 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 355 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con El Exodar

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