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Superior Armaments of Battle - Friend of the Dawn

For 30 Insignias of the Dawn and 30 Insignias of the Crusade you may choose an item from the Argent Dawn's treasure cache.
Insignia of the Dawn (30)
Insignia of the Crusade (30)


Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of power?

I must warn you; purchases made at a friendly reputation with the Dawn come with a hefty surcharge. I would advise that you gain a better reputation with the Dawn before moving forward with your plans.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Band of Resolution Band of Piety
Verimonde's Last Resort Sanctified Leather Helm
Leggings of the Plague Hunter Supply Bag


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

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