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Festliche Hosenanzüge des Mondfests


I am please to inform you that I have a fine selection of festive pant suits available for you to own... but only in trade for coins of ancestry. If fashion is important to you, then these are what you're looking for! I assure you that you will not find pant suits like these anywhere else.

In exchange for some Coins of Ancestry, I will let you choose one of the three styles I have to keep as your own. Is this acceptable to you?
Münze der Urahnen (5)



Auf Euch wartet eine dieser Belohnungen:
Festlicher schwarzer Hosenanzug Festlicher mintgrüner Hosenanzug
Festlicher blauer Hosenanzug
Ihr bekommt außerdem:
Feuerwerkspaket des Mondfests

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