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Imperial Qiraji Armaments

Arygos in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj will create Elementium Infused Armaments for you should you bring him Imperial Qiraji Armaments and 3 Elementium Ore.
Imperial Qiraji Armaments
Elementium Ore (3)


We have not sat idly by for a millennium, <nombre>.

We have watched these beasts feast on their own when they have exhausted their utility. We have listened as they have plotted and schemed to destroy our world. And we have learned of their own internal treachery.

Weaknesses exist and we know how to use those weaknesses to our advantage.

Find and bring me their ceremonial armaments: Combined with the element created from the volatility of their own God, they will become a force of reckoning.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Blessed Qiraji War Axe Blessed Qiraji Pugio
Blessed Qiraji Bulwark Blessed Qiraji Musket


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