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Metzen the Reindeer

Find Metzen the Reindeer. Use the notes provided to you for clues as to where he is being held.

When you find Metzen, have the Pouch of Reindeer Dust in your possession so you can sprinkle some of the dust on him; this should free Metzen from his bonds of captivity.

Return the Pouch of Reindeer Dust to Wulmort Jinglepocket in Ironforge once Metzen is freed.
Pouch of Reindeer Dust
Find Metzen the Reindeer and rescue him
Objeto provisto:
Smokywood Satchel


DISASTER has struck! Metzen the Reindeer has been kidnapped!

Metzen is one of Greatfather Winter's eight reindeer - and property of Smokywood Pastures. We've received not one but TWO ransom letters from groups claiming to have Metzen. With the holiday season well under way, we're strapped to the coin box here! Please - find Metzen and return him to us!

Check out the ransom letters for clues, and sprinkle this reindeer dust on him - it will free him from any of his bonds!

Please, hurry!




Recibirás: 9 93 si se completa al nivel 80
Preserved Holly


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

Usted recibirá esta carta161 del Wulmort Calderilla


Solo quería volver a darte las gracias por rescatar a Metzen de sus secuestradores. Créeme cuando te digo que has conquistado para siempre <un amigo/una amiga> en los Pastos de Bosquehumeante.

Y a propósito de... El maestro chef Graccu ha estado elaborando una nueva receta y he pensado que tal vez te apetecería probar uno de sus exquisitos platos. ¡Que pases un excelente Festival de Invierno!

Que tu arca esté siempre a rebosar,
Wulmort Calderilla
Smokywood Pastures Extra-Special Gift

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