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Twilight Marauders

Slay Twilight Marauder Morna and 2 Twilight Marauders. Report to Windcaller Proudhorn when your task is finished. You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing IX in order to complete this quest.
Tactical Task Briefing IX (Fourni)
Maraudeuse du Crépuscule Morna tué
Maraudeur du Crépuscule tué (2)


Bands of mounted Twilight's Hammer cultists have been spotted riding outside the reach of our forces in Cenarion Hold, picking off our smaller patrols and caravans.

Find and defeat the twilight marauders along with their leader, a terrible warrior by the name of Morna. Report to Windcaller Proudhorn after completing the task.




Vous recevrez :
Cenarion Tactical Badge Followup Tactical Assignment


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :

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