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Azure Templar

Summon and slay an Azure Templar and report back to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold. You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing I in order to complete this quest.
Tactical Task Briefing I (Fourni)
Templier d'azur tué


The Twilight's Hammer and the elemental nobles they worship present a formidable threat to our operations in Silithus. With the new enemies we're facing inside Ahn'Qiraj, we cannot afford to lower our guard to our enemies outside.

Find a way to summon and destroy an Azure Templar and report to Bor Wildmane.




Vous recevrez :
Cenarion Tactical Badge Followup Tactical Assignment


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :

Informations connexes
