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Ring of Infinite Wisdom

Bring 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Obsidian Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Windcaller Yessendra in Silithus. You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.
Qiraji Ceremonial Ring
Obsidian Idol (2)
Silver Scarab (5)
Bone Scarab (5)
Círculo Cenarion (Honorable)


The rings worn by the Qiraji lieutenants are rumored to grant them formidable abilities. The corrupted gems that adorn them could, in theory, be swapped out with more pure materials to create uncorrupted versions of the rings.

The gems that adorn Qiraji idols would work quite well, as their quality is superior.

Bring me the ring and idols and I'll create a powerful ring for you, <clase>.




Recibirás: 57 si se completa al nivel 80
Ring of Infinite Wisdom


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

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