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Drape of Vaulted Secrets

Bring 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Alabaster Idols, 5 Stone Scarabs and 5 Crystal Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus. You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.
Qiraji Martial Drape
Alabaster Idol (2)
Stone Scarab (5)
Crystal Scarab (5)
Círculo Cenarion (Reverenciado)


I'm glad to hear you're aiding us in our attack on Ahn'Qiraj, <nombre>. I can make you a protective item that'll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy, <clase>.

I shall need a Qiraji drape, which I'll resize for you of course. I'll also need idols and scarabs which I'll use to create a suitable clasp.

I promise you won't be disappointed.




Recibirás: 57 si se completa al nivel 80
Drape of Vaulted Secrets


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

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