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Dig Rat Stew

Bring 8 Dig Rats to Grub east of the Crossroads.
Dig Rat (8)


A <clase> like you must get pretty hungry out here in The Barrens. Me, I'm starving all day long.

Tell you what, I'll fix you up a nice stew. Just need a few dig rats.

Seems those filthy dwarves at Bael Modan are overrun with everyone's favorite feast. Now head on down south to Bael Modan and bring me back some dig rats.

You can't call yourself a seasoned adventurer until you've spent some time killing rats! Haw!




Recibirás: 11 40 si se completa al nivel 80
Apothecary Gloves Dig Rat Stew
Recipe: Dig Rat Stew


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