Notas rápidas
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WowheadWowheadBug meldenBug meldenEnlacesEnlaces

Sábias Palabras

Continue down the road from Camp Taurajo.

Turn left at the T intersection and continue North.

Follow the path to the Ancestral Sage outside the Crossroads.


Though you have reached the Barrens, your journey is not complete. You must continue on to the Crossroads, where you are needed most.

Follow the road as you were, and turn left where the path gives you the choice. Follow it North until you see the walls of the Crossroads.

Just before you enter, you should see the Ancestral Sage, he will have words of wisdom for you.


Recibirás: 5 40 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 910 experiencia

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