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Earthen Templar

Summon and slay an Earthen Templar and report back to Bor Wildmane in Cenarion Hold. You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing III in order to complete this quest.
Tactical Task Briefing III (Fourni)
Templier terrestre tué


The Twilight's Hammer and the elemental nobles they worship present a formidable threat to our operations in Silithus. With the new enemies we're facing inside Ahn'Qiraj, we cannot afford to lower our guard to our enemies outside.

Find a way to summon and destroy an Earthen Templar and report to Bor Wildmane.




Vous recevrez :
Cenarion Tactical Badge Followup Tactical Assignment


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :

Informations connexes
