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WowheadWowheadBug meldenBug meldenLiensLiens


Bring 8 Shimmerweed to Master Vornal in Sen'jin Village.


Truly a spirit of strength resides in your body--or maybe it was only luck,yes?

That is what the young rely on these days: luck... and the generosity of those more powerful than they. Not many take the time to find their own path. It's always begging for help... always the reward,and never the quest. I'm sure you'll be the same.

But there is hope. I need one other thing for my potion,<nom>: 8 shimmerweed herbs. They can be found in Thunder Ridge to the northwest of Razor Hill.


Vous recevrez : 4 80 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 780 points d'expérience

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