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Honoring a Hero

Travel to Grom's Monument in the Demon Fall Canyon of Ashenvale and use Grom's Tribute at the base of the monument. Return to Javnir Nashak outside Orgrimmar before the Harvest Festival is over.


Place a tribute at Grom's Monument
Objeto provisto:
Grom's Tribute


During the Harvest Festival of Azeroth, we give thanks to heroes for the sacrifices - in some cases ultimate sacrifices - they have given on our behalf. The Horde acknowledges many heroes, but none exemplify strength and sacrifice more than Grom Hellscream.

Help us honor Grom by taking this offering to his monument in the Demon Fall Canyon of Ashenvale. Place it at the base, and then return to me. I'll only be here through the end of the festival, so waste no time in giving Grom his tribute.




Recibirás: 13 23 si se completa al nivel 80
The Horde's Hellscream


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 5 experiencia
  • 500 reputación con Horda

Usted recibirá esta carta111 del Javnir Nashak

Te deseo lo mejor, <amigo mío/amiga mía>. Espero que tu lucha a favor de la Horda resulte victoriosa. Ciertamente, espero que llegue el día en que todos consideren tu legado tan importante y tan valioso como el de Grom Grito Infernal.

No he olvidado la amabilidad que has demostrado no solo conmigo, sino al honrar la memoria de Grom durante el Festival de la Cosecha. Te he enviado algo que creo que te va a gustar. Úsalo correctamente.

¡Por la Horda!
Bounty of the Harvest

Información relacionada
