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Paragons of Power: The Demoniac's Robes

Bring Al'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Kossack. You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Revered with the Zandalar Tribe.

Al'tabim the All-Seeing is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.
Primal Hakkari Kossack
Tribu Zandalar (Reverenciado)


The ultimate symbol of power amongst the tribe is the garb we wear in battle. A demoniac's robes have fused fine runecloth and devastatingly powerful mojo into a single fabric. The visage of the robe is said to instill fear into the minds of all who see it... especially the demons that the demoniac will eventually dominate.

From Zul'Gurub, you must bring me a very specific set of the Paragons of Power. It will be difficult... but your success will assure you of acquiring a robe for yourself.




Recibirás: 57 si se completa al nivel 80
Zandalar Demoniac's Robe


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