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Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village

You have been tasked with the decimation of 5 Vilebranch Berserkers, 3 Vilebranch Shadow Hunters, 3 Vilebranch Blood Drinkers, and 2 Vilebranch Soul Eaters.

Should you complete this task, return to Primal Torntusk at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands.
Берсерк из племени Порочной Ветви убито (5)
Темный охотник из племени Порочной Ветви убито (3)
Кровопийца из племени Порочной Ветви убито (3)
Пожиратель душ из племени Порочной Ветви убито (2)


With the loss of Guard Captain Malkhor, the position of Guard Captain of Revantusk is once again open. If you are interested in becoming Captain of the Guard for Revantusk, complete the following tasks and submit your application to Primal Torntusk:

Exterminate Vilebranch Berserkers.

Exterminate Vilebranch Shadow Hunters.

Exterminate Vilebranch Blood Drinkers.

Exterminate Vilebranch Soul Eaters.




Вы получите: 75
Rune of the Guard Captain


По завершении этого задания, вы получите:
  • 7 070 опыта

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