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Hunt the Savages

Huntsman Markhor at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to kill 10 Savage Owlbeasts. Return to him once the task is complete.

Markhor mentioned that the Savage Owlbeasts occupy the wilds of the Hinterlands.
Chouettard sauvage tué (10)


Among the more ornery of the wildlife of the Hinterlands are the savage owlbeasts. Many a good Revantusk warrior has been lost to the ferocious claws and beak of the beasts.

Kill every savage owlbeast you see, <race>. Return to me when you can stand no more bloodshed. Your contribution will then be weighed, measured, and judged.




Vous recevrez : 1 40


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 6 290 points d'expérience

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