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Preparation for Ceremony

Collect 6 Azure Feathers and 6 Bronze Feathers, and bring them to Eyahn Eagletalon in Thunder Bluff.
Azure Feather (6)
Bronze Feather (6)


<название>, my brother soon stands before Chief Bloodhoof, and it is my honor to make his headdress for him.

I want to ask a favor of you while I finish tanning these leather straps. There is not time for me to find enough feathers, and I was wondering, would you gather more for me?

You can find feathers of the correct size from the harpies residing far to the north and northwest of Thunder Bluff. I need only 6 azure and 6 bronze feathers to complete the design.




Вам дадут возможность выбрать одну из следующих наград:
Tribal Warrior's Shield Bound Harness
Вы также получите: 10 80 на 80-м уровне


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