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Legends of Maraudon

Recover the two parts of the Scepter of Celebras: the Celebrian Rod and the Celebrian Diamond.

Find a way to speak with Celebras.
Celebrian Diamond
Celebrian Rod


A dark satyr called Lord Vyletongue spread his evil through these twisting caves, poisoning the minds of all inside. He still resides beyond the purple crystals.

Vyletongue also created a living symbol of his corruption called Noxxion that dwells beyond the orange crystals. Together, they have stolen the two parts of my brother's scepter. Celebras, my brother... he wanders blindly inside, cursed by corruption.

You must help him! Find the pieces, and speak to my brother... somehow.




Vous recevrez : 58 50 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 9 800 points d'expérience

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