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Deep Sea Salvage

First Mate Nilzlix wants you to retrieve the Charts and Logs from the Maiden's Folly and the Spirit of Silverpine.
Maiden's Folly Charts
Maiden's Folly Log
Spirit of Silverpine Charts
Spirit of Silverpine Log


O'Breen led the ships into the cove. We were certain this is where the treasure could be found. The Harbinger docked safely but as the Maiden's Folly and Spirit of Silverpine approached the tides began to lower. Strangest thing I've ever seen!

Those two ships ran aground into something... some sort of temple in the reef. They sank so quickly, was quite a tragedy.

We need to retrieve their Logs as well as their Charts before we leave. We can't leave that information behind for prying eyes!




Vous recevrez : 26 40 si completé au niveau 80
Black Water Hammer


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