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Claim Rackmore's Treasure!

Find Rackmore's Silver Key. Find Rackmore's Golden Key. Find and open Rackmore's Chest.
Rackmore's Silver Key
Rackmore's Golden Key


Rackmore's log tells of how his ship was sailing for Feathermoon Stronghold when it was attacked by seafaring creatures. To prevent his treasure from falling into enemy hands, he hid his chest on Ranazjar Isle.

To open the chest requires two keys, a silver and a gold. These keys were lost, but if the keys and the chest are found, a treasure awaits!




Vous recevrez : 1 15
Captain Rackmore's Wheel Captain Rackmore's Tiller


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 3 500 points d'expérience

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