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High Executor Darthalia of Tarren Mill is offering a bounty on Clerk Horrace Whitesteed, Citizen Wilkes, Miner Hackett and Farmer Kalaba.
Funcionario Horracio Corzalbal matado
Ciudadano Wilkes matado
Minero Hackett matado
Granjera Kalaba matado



The following humans of Hillsbrad have been deemed dangerous and are marked for bounty by High Executor Darthalia:

Clerk Horrace Whitesteed. Wanted for the murder of Deathguard Toma.

Citizen Wilkes. Wanted for the murder of Apothecary Eli.

Miner Hackett. Wanted for the murder of Deathstalker Fry.

Farmer Kalaba. Wanted for the ambush of supplies from the Undercity.

All of these enemies are hiding and will be hard to find. A reward will be granted upon notice of their death.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Bow of Plunder Sentry Buckler
Charred Wand
También recibirás: 13 80 si se completa al nivel 80
Hooded Cowl


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 2.300 experiencia
  • 250 reputación con Entrañas

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