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Costly Menace

Darren Malvew of Southshore wants you to kill 8 Mountain Lions and 10 Hulking Mountain Lions.
León de montaña matado (8)
León de montaña descomunal matado (10)


Ain't nothin' that irks me more than losin' these here beautiful horses. And believe me, we've lost quite a few between them pesky undead creeps, the dang Syndicate gang and all the other good-for-nothin' scoundrels pokin' about these parts.

But I swear on my ol' grand-daddy's grave there ain't no bigger menace to our horses here than them Mountain Lions up in Alterac. Always comin' down from the hills and makin' my life difficult!

You fancy yourself a hero? Go and do somethin' about it then!




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Shepherd's Girdle Shepherd's Gloves
También recibirás: 18 60 si se completa al nivel 80
Tasty Lion Steak Recipe: Tasty Lion Steak


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