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Ammo for Rumbleshot

Bring Rumbleshot's Ammo to Hegnar Rumbleshot in Dun Morogh.
Rumbleshot's Ammo


Hegnar Rumbleshot sells guns off the road to Anvilmar. Riflemen and mortar teams spend a lot of time practicing out near his shop, and he's always needing fresh ammunition.

But... the last crate of ammo I sent him got lost along the way. My courier said he was camped near the Grizzled Den when wendigo chased him away... and the fool left Rumbleshot's ammo behind!

<nombre>, can you get that ammo and take it to Rumbleshot? He's been waiting on it and I'm sure he's running low.




Recibirás: 1 25 (o 3 30 si se completa al nivel 80)


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