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Snakestone of the Shadow Huntress

Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin. Recover Vosh'gajin's Snakestone and return to Kilram.
Vosh'gajin's Snakestone


Don't let her beauty fool you, <classe>. The shadow huntress, Vosh'gajin is deadly and deranged.

<Kilram points to the scar on his face.>

Aye, she gave me that - a love tap, she called it.

The time for vengeance has finally come.

You can find Vosh'gajin in Blackrock Spire. Slay her and return to me with her snakestone. Do this and I will teach you the secret to crafting Dawn's Edge!




Vous recevrez : 87 si completé au niveau 80
Plans: Dawn's Edge


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 14 300 points d'expérience

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