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A Final Blow

Kill Moora and Salia, and bring Shadow Lord Fel'dan's Head to Greta Mosshoof in Felwood.
Shadow Lord Fel'dan's Head
Moora tué
Salia tué


Unfortunately, I see the only way to stop this threat to Felwood is a frontal attack. There are no other ways into Shadow Hold, and I have no means to teleport you inside. The straight path down to the bottom is the only way... and I also know who you should seek out. His name is Fel'dan... Shadow Lord Fel'dan. He is the mortal in power down below... he is the head of the serpent. Kill him and his two succubus servants and return to me. Fel'dan is the one making pacts with the Legion. He must be stopped.




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Brantwood Sash Blight Leather Gloves
Gearforge Girdle
Vous recevrez également : 81 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 13 500 points d'expérience

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