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Winterfall Intrusion

Rivern Frostwind wants you to slay 5 Winterfall Shaman and 5 Winterfall Ursa.
Chaman tombe-hiver tué (5)
Ursa tombe-hiver tué (5)


My presence goes unnoticed by most, <nom>. However, there is an annoyance that seems firmly rooted here in Winterspring: the Winterfall furbolg.

Although I have never directly attacked the furbolg, they seem crazed, fearful of anything in their path. I have watched them slay countless creatures that had the misfortune to simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I am weary of their meddling -- please, help me by fighting back. Slay the furbolg and keep them away from Frostsaber Rock.




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