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Past Endeavors

Bring Storm Shadowhoof's Marker to Melor Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.


Before you spoke to me, <nombre>, I had heard of your endeavors... that you had an unyielding desire to prove yourself, that you had an exceptional ability as a <clase>, and I now know these things to be the truth.

Those that excel as you do are worthy of recognition. Take this marker to a friend of mine in Thunder Bluff named Melor Stonehoof. I'm sure he will remember you, and what you accomplished so long ago. Speak to him of you recent victories, and do not ever forget what you have accomplished today.



Recibirás: 28 80 si se completa al nivel 80
Hunter's Insignia Medal


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 4.750 experiencia

Información relacionada
