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The Rescue

Krusk in Tarren Mill needs you to free Drull and Tog'thar from Durnholde Keep.
Rescue Drull
Rescue Tog'thar


Me and some other warriors were sent by the Warchief to retrieve an object from Durnholde and to investigate this so-called Syndicate.

We went to Durnholde to take a look around, but we were taken by surprise by a large number of the humans. We fought bravely, but their sheer numbers were enough to defeat us. They took a few of us captive, but I was able to escape.

Durnholde is just southeast of here, across the river. Drull and Tog'thar are being held there, you must go and rescue them.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Orcish War Chain Grunt Vest
También recibirás: 13 20 si se completa al nivel 80
Recipe: Big Bear Steak


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  • 350 reputación con Orgrimmar

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