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Free at Last

Escort Lakota Windsong from the Darkcloud Pinnacle, and then talk to Thalia Amberhide at Freewind Post.


Escort Lakota Windsong from the Darkcloud Pinnacle.


Arnak thinks we're going to be married... but after I declined his offer he came back that night and kidnapped me. My brother tried to stop him, but Arnak was too strong. He... he slew my brother and then brought me here. My poor brother...

<nombre>, could you escort me out of the Darkcloud Pinnacle? Please... I need to get back to Thalia! She must be worried sick about me.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Windsong Drape Windsong Cinch
También recibirás: 14 40 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

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