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Los enemigos Tuercepinos

Shayla Brisa Nocturna, en las afueras de Darnassus, desea que le traigas 20 colmillos de Tuercepinos.
Gnarlpine Fang (20)


By strict orders from the Council of Darnassus,I am commissioning a bounty on the Gnarlpine Tribe. They are no longer friends of the forest. Their corruption has left them mindless threats to our people and the creatures of the glade.

As decreed by the Council,you shall be rewarded for removing the furbolg menaces from Kalidar. Bring to me their fangs as proof of your deeds.


Recibirás: 3 90 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 630 experiencia

Información relacionada
